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Planning Board Minutes 03/02/2017
Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
Thursday, March 2, 2017

Members Present:  Vice-chair Stan Brehm, Richard Moore, Craig McIntosh, Jeff Jordan, Tom Houle, Ann Davis, and Alternate Michael Williams.

Vice-chair Brehm called the meeting to order at 6:35pm.

Vice-chair Brehm seats Mr. Williams as a voting member.

Subdivision Map 7, Lot 35-2; Review and Acceptance.

Bob Kilmer, the representative for the property owners, introduces and explains the proposed subdivision to create a new 5.6 acre lot on Ferrin Road.   Mr. Kilmer is seeking two waivers: One, under #5 of the subdivision  regulation checklist relating to map scale requirements; and two, under #28 of the subdivision regulation checklist relating to water supply, sewage, and surface drainage for the abutting 54.2 acre lot, since said abutting lot is unimproved.

Mr. Moore leads a review of the subdivision regulation checklist.  Four checklist items in addition to the requested waivers cause discussion:

Checklist item #3 relating to lot area was determined to be addressed in the notes contained on the plat.
Checklist item #4 relating to Zoning District was determined to be addressed in the notes on the plat.
Checklist item #13 relating to Proposed means of Providing Water Supply, Sewerage, and Surface Drainage was determined to be inapplicable since the proposed lot exceeded the 5 acre threshold required by the state.
Checklist item #19 relating Elevations of Sufficient Points to Indicate Topography and whether such required a reference to USGS bench marks.  The Board determined that such USGS reference was not required.

After further general discussion, Mr. Williams moves to waive item #5.  Mr. Jordan Seconds.  Unanimous Approval.
Mr. Jordan moves to waive item #28.  Mr. McIntosh Seconds. Unanimous Approval.
Mr. Jordan moves to accept the application as complete. Mr. Houle Seconds. Unanimous Approval.

Public Hearing for proposed Subdivision Map 7, Lot 35-2

Abutters present: Kathleen & Robert Gagne.  Mr. & Mrs. Gagne stated that they were in attendance simply to hear the plan.  They had no further comments, complaints, or observations.

No other comments or concerns from the public.

During discussion Mr. Moore points out requirement under Section IV, paragraph 17 of the subdivision regulations relating to Special Flood Hazard Areas.  Property owner representative, Mr. Kilmer, agrees to include a note on the plan that the subject property is not located in a Special Flood Hazard Area.

Ms. Davis moves to approve the subdivision of Map 7, Lot 35-2. Mr. Jordan Seconds.  Unanimous Approval.

Conceptual Review – 10 Chichester Lane. The property owner expressed a desire to renovate existing detached garage and to change the use to allow commercial activity of manufacturing circuit boards.  The home owner states that the business has little interaction with the public since there is no retail activity, and the business has no employees.  The Board recommends that a full site plan will be necessary, but the conceptual plan seems to be allowed under the existing zoning ordinances.

Adjournment- Having no further business, a motion was made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Houle to adjourn the meeting at 7:43pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Michael Williams, Acting Secretary
Not approved until signed.

                                                                                Chairman Dr. Kevin Mara